Tuesday, December 31, 2019

16 outrageous things people have actually done to get jobs

16 outrageous things people have actually done to get jobs16 outrageous things people have actually done to get jobsSome people will do just about anything to find a job. But to set themselves apart from otherbei candidates, the folks on this list went the extra mile, finding bizarre, hilarious, and ingenious ways to get the attention of hiring managers.They utilized advertising and the internet to maximize their exposure and even used the press to get the word out. Almost everyone succeeded in finding a job.Here are some of the more outrageous approaches people have taken to find work.One man put his name on a billboard to spark the Employ Adam campaignAdam Pacitti graduated from his university in 2012, but soon had trouble finding work.After sending out around 250 rsums, he realized he needed a way to differentiate himself from other job candidates in the media industry. Thats when he bought a billboard. Hes said that the sign, along with a website, got him 60 interviews, eventuall y landing him a job.One man wore an Axl Rose wig to impress at his job interview - and it workedAfter interviewing with several companies, one man welchesnt having any luck. He reportedly decided to dress for the part professional clothes paired with a long orange wig that made him look like Guns N Roses singer Axl Rose.During the interview, he took the wig off halfway through, saying that he felt silly it in. The interviewer appreciated his sense of humor and immediately offered him the job.This student built her own LEGO rsumRecent college grad Lisa Bowman took a unique approach to rsum building by constructing a virtual LEGO-themed CV.By showcasing her skills, she was able to demonstrate that she could actually do everything listed on her rsum.One woman was asked to convince her prospective employers why she should be hired, and she suggested a game of rock, paper, scissorsAfter an interview for her very first job, one woman was asked to convince her prospective employers to hir e her.After thinking it over, the woman suggested a game of rock, paper, scissors to determine whether or not she should be hired. If she won, shed get the job, and if the company execs won, theyd get to decide for themselves.Naturally, the execs appreciated her sense of humor and decided to give her the job, regardless of who won the game.This man made an interactive video rsum to get hiredGraeme Anthony, a PR and social media consultant, was looking for a job, but was having no luck. To set himself apart, he decided to make aninteractive video rsumshowcasing his experience while proving he had the skills to back it up.The video features an about me section, a timeline, and an intro where Anthony says Ive produced this video because, lets face it, communications have changed.Thanks to his unique thinking, he received so many job offers that he took them all - by becoming a freelancer.One student walked two miles through a blizzard to hand-deliver a rsumSome people will go to great lengths to get a job, but this person went the extra mile - well, two extra miles.The college student was aiming to escape a toxic work environment and horrible boss, so she trudged through two miles of lake-effect snow to apply for a hospital job instead. The grand gesture worked, but ever since then, she was reportedly on call during snowstorms when other employees called out.This man got a face tattoo to get a job at an ad agencyRudolph Troncone really wanted to get hired for a summer internship at R/GA, an innovation company with offices in 14 countries. So, he got atattoo.This bold stunt impressed R/GA so much that Troncone got the internship. After all, it would have been very hard to get hired anywhere else.An Irishman bought a billboard to find a job and keep from leaving the countryMuch like Adam Pacitti, this Irishman took out an ad on a billboard in 2011 in the hopes that work would come his way.The ad read, Save me from emigration. The man, Filim Mac An Iomaire, was ni cknamed Jobless Paddy thanks to his email address on the billboard. And, much like Adam, Mac An Iomaire was able to find work and stay in Dublin because of his advertisement.Back in 1998, a man applied to a new startup called Google by handing out cheesecake and rsumsOne man working in tech decided to find a job with a recently founded startup called Google in 1998.He was known among his friends as an excellent cheesecake chef, so he reportedly snuck into Google break room and handed out slices of cheesecake with copies of his rsum. The ploy actually worked, and he got an interview. However, he had already decided that Google was too stuffy and declined. Stories say he later realized hed made one of the biggest mistakes of his career.This man paid for a Google ad that would show up whenever top ad executives searched their own namesTo get the attention of top ad executives, it might help to appeal to their vanity.Thats what Alec Browstein did by taking out ads on Google, so that whe never one of the targeted execs searched their own name, theyd find Alecs job application as the first search item. These ads were targeted to six execs, and after a couple rounds of interviews, Alec was hired.One woman sent virtual Valentines Day packages to prospective employers that stated, Kim could be the oneKim Huynh, who works in advertising, has several methods to set herself apart from other candidates. One of her favorites was a website she created for prospective employers.The site was branded as a Valentines Day package that read, Kim could be the one. There was even an interactive Flash game employers could play. Thanks to her remarkable ability to sell herself, she got interviews with four out of seven ad agencies.Here are some of the other clever ways she getsemployers attention.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Avoid the Résumé Black Hole

How to Avoid the Rsum Black HoleHow to Avoid the Rsum Black HoleIve applied online to numerous positions, and I never get a response. Myrsumjust gets swallowed up in some black hole, and it never even gets seen by a recruiter or hiring manager.This a common complaint from frustrated job seekers. Imagine, however, that you are on the other side of the hiring desk. You advertise a job and receive anywhere from 50 to 200 or more applicants. Each submits a two-pagersumwith dense prose depicting complexsets of skills and experiences. Thats easily 100 to 400 pages to sift through in order to find an initial set of 10 or 15 candidates who you might want to contact. Then, remember that every human resources staffing person typically deals with 15 to 30 job requisitions at any given time, so he or she needs to contend with literally thousands of pages ofrsums. Thats a daunting task, which is made even more complex with the need to documentEqual Employment Opportunity Commissioncompliance an d to track candidates interactions with various HR staff, hiring managers and department personnel. The solution is known as an applicant tracking ordnungsprinzip, or ATS. This kind of software has become integral to the hiring process for companies of all sizes, as well as for external executive recruiters and headhunters. Say youre applying for a job on the company website. Theres a good chance youre actually accessing the outward-facing portion of an externally run ATS site thats branded to look just like the company site. There are many companies that provide hundreds of competing of ATS software products for employers. Some are simple and stand alone, while others are far more complex with greater abilities.One of the significant players in this arena is iCIMS, with more than 2,000 corporate clients. Susan Vitale, theiCIMSchief marketing officer, spoke with this authorto debunk myths that surround the supposed rsumblack holes. She also provides valuable tips for job seekers a bout how to best gain the attention of internal HR personnel and external recruiters. Vitale contends that ATS companies likeiCIMSmake every effort to meet candidates needs for convenience. For example, they often allow one to submit information using their login from social media sites, such as Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn. This way, she points out, a candidate doesnt have to create yet aleidher username and password. She provides the assurance that logging in using social media credentials does not give the ATS the ability to search ones timeline or other posts. When asked if screening questions posed by ATS systems automatically knock out certain candidates, heres how she replied Absolutely not It totally varies. Some companies use the screening questions as knockout questions, and some do not.Vitalepoints out thatparticularly in regard to EEOC compliancecompanies have to define requirements of positions and show that they didnt pick a candidate because he or she didnt meet the minimum qualifications. For example, perhaps a job requires a certain certification. If a candidate doesnt indicate that he or she has that certification, he or she could automatically be put in a doesnt meet minimum qualifications category.Vitaleacknowledges that it is uncomfortable for applicants when companies require an answer to the salary question in order to submit arsum. She understands that people, dont want to go higher than they shouldor lower than they need to. Industry best practice today is for companies to provide an option for candidates to decline to answer any screening question, but each company decides for itself what questions to pose and whether or not answers are mandatory for a candidate to be considered.According to Vitale, these points are key to making the ATS system best understand candidatesrsums as intended.1. Any ATS system these days can easily work with Word or PDF file types. It will parse out key pieces of information and populate the dat abase with your name, address, skills, employment history and relevant keywords. It will also preserve thersumin the form you submit to be viewed by the recruiter.2. Lines, text boxes and color can be be handled by almost every ATS today. Use these elements judiciously.3. Be careful about using graphics.Different ATS systems vary in their abilities to deal with images. Regardless, words embedded in graphics wont be recognized or parsed out. If you submit a graphic-heavy rsum, it may lose the visual appeal for which you strive. Instead, it may be seen as gibberish on the other side.4. ATS systems look for certain items to be in particular places on yourrsum.For example, your name and contact information should be at the topnot placed in a vertical text box along the side of the page. Use appropriate headings for the various sections of yourrsumand have them formatted logically.5. Dont try to game the system. For example, dont needlessly repeat the same keywords in yourrsumjust to get a better keyword-scoring match. It doesnt work that way. It may be noticed, but recruitersgenerally take a negative view of this practice.6. Make sure yourrsumdemonstrates that you are well suited for the positions for which you are applying. It is not the fault of the ATS if you are continually rejected for positions for which you dont qualify.7. Use common sense. Dont apply for widely different positions within the same company. And dont go for positions at significantly different expertise or experience levels within the same company, either. Keep in mind that your entire profile will be seen by anyone in the company who is looking at your rsum. Happy huntingArnie Fertig, MPA, is passionate about helping hisJobhuntercoachclients advance their careers by transforming frantic Ill apply to anything searches into focused hunts for great fit opportunities. He brings to each client the extensive knowledge he gained when working in HR staffing and managing his boutique recruiting firm .

Saturday, December 21, 2019

9 best productivity apps to use in 2019 to get you organized

9 best productivity apps to use in 2019 to get you organized9 best productivity apps to use in 2019 to get you organizedWhile app use is often linked to breaking productivity, it can actually increase efficiency if users can switch from mindless swiping to thoughtful tracking.Whether for personal or professional use, these nine productivity apps were designed to keep you focused, organized and moving forward.Apps for task management1. Things 3Things 3 has been dubbed by many as the supreme task-management and productivity app for work, personal life, or both. The clean design allows users to break up tasks in a way that will excite even the most list-opposed users. With multiple redesigns, Things 3 has smoothed out the planning process. Features include abilities to create categorized checklists, explore tasks in calendar view, and platzset reminders. The app is cross-device, meaning you wont have to pull out yur phone to check your agenda while working on your computer. While the ap p costs $9.99 to download on your phone, many users would say the price is well worth it.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. OmniFocus 3This powerful task manager is for the user who is serious about keeping multiple projects in order. The premium product has a variety of features that will organize tasks into projects, allowing you to assign due dates and importance. The tag feature lets you differentiate between errands, social events, etc.This app works best if youre willing to take the time to learn the many helpful features of the system. You wont be alone in your journey to understand Omnifocus as the app contains video tutorials to walk users through eve more helpful features.3. StickKIf youre looking for a to-do list app that doesnt get cluttered or confusing with unnecessary features, StickK is for you. The simplicity allows less technology advanced users to stay organi zed in a low-key manner.StickK allows you to schedule tasks in your calendar while keeping them in list form. The app lets users transfer tasks between devices, making sure you always know whats on the list, whether youre going to complete the task now, tomorrow or next week. The minimal approach to the tech to-do list allows you to focus on the task at hand, without overwhelming you with features.Apps for computer efficiency4. TogglThis cross-device app is designed to help users understand the value of their time. The design uses categories such as time spent on projects, clients and tasks. The main goal is to help you realize which tasks are making you money and which projects or habits are actually holding you back. While some apps will have users mindlessly track their time, Toggl offers reports and notifications to keep you aware of their positive and negative habits.The suggestions and shortcuts decrease the time it takes for you to log activity. The notifications will remind you to track activity, ensuring the report accurately reflects how you are spending your time each day, week and month. The app, which is completely free to download and use, has features that are easily customized and allow the app to work for you.5. ShiftExpert organizer Marie Kondo helps people tidy their homes, but there are no cleaning goddesses to help give our technology spaces the same attention. A messy workspace can decrease productivity, and your tech is not immune. Shift helps to declutter your computer space by gathering all your notifications in one spot.Shift collects all those numbered red dots in one convenient hub and eliminates time wasted hopping from app toapp or account to account. The app collects updates fromemail accounts, social media channels, apps, and extensions. For the aspiring productivity extraordinaire, you can even link the task and time management apps mentioned in this list.6. PocketPocket is a cross-device app that acts as a digital folder for a rticles that users desire to save and read later. One of the main features users love is the ability to read articles offline. This app will clear up desktops that are cluttered with saved PDF files and notepads that are filled with links to articles that will never be read.Once the pocket clipper is installed, a cluttered desktop is no more. Users can share articles right to the app and access them from any device in which they are signed in.Apps for time management7. StickKWhile habits are usually looked upon negatively, productive people are actually creatures of good habits. StickK allows you to track and maintain good habits while holding you accountable to stick to your goals. The app forces you to create a commitment contract with yourself, and even allows you to assign a friend to check that youre making progress on your goals.For extra motivation, and an added thrill, the app even allows you to bet money on yourself.8. MomentAccording to the Moment app, people underestimate their screen time by 100 percent. The tools offered on Moment are designed to not only track phone usage but also to help you balance real life and screen time. While many smartphones have implemented their own screen time tracking software, Moment goes beyond by providing you with the data to help you set and meet screen-time goals.The app allows you to customize what you want to focus on, including having more family time, getting better sleep, reducing anxiety, being happier and more. The Moment coach nudges you in the right direction, without being overbearing or punishing you for every little slip-up.9. Life CycleThis app is perfect for someone who is trying to spend more time doing one activity and less time doing another. The app tracks users locations through WiFi and presents your day to you in a way youve never seen before. Categories are able to be completely customized, allowing a user to choose whichever icon and color work for the corresponding activity. While locatio n tracking is notorious for eating up your phones power, the app uses only 1% of battery per day if you leave it on recording mode.With graphs and data, the app allows you to track trends in your activity and recognize your problem areas. Commuters may move when they finally see what percent of their lives is spent transporting themselves from place to place.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, December 16, 2019

Digital Tolerance

Digital Tolerance Digital Tolerance Digital ToleranceRecently, Boeing began using model-based definition (MBD) to see if it could improve productivity and reduce time to market.MBD is a method of annotating computer-aided design models with geometric and tolerancing information that allows engineers to draw directly onto a 3-D model. It shows promise for improving and accelerating design, manufacturing, and inspection processes.A group of researchers from cole Polytechnique Montral and the University of Quebec cole de Technologie Suprieure set out to investigate the feasibility of MBDs one day taking the place of 2-D engineering drawings used throughout industry today.Traditional engineering drawings are still essential for capturing and distributing non-geometric information at most companies today, notes Louis Rivest, research leader. He stressed they are looking at the feasibility of eliminating the 2-D drawings, not eliminating paper itself.From ASME Y14.41 figures illustrate (fr om top) a solid modelwith all annotation displayed, with one type of annotation displayed, and with selected annotation displayed.Members of industry approached the kollektiv to find out whether MBD was ready for prime time, whther it could benefit industry by speeding product development and time to market, and the feasibility of a large-scale move across the engineering profession to model-based definition.Based on StandardsFor a long time, the industry has been moving toward tolerancing solid models rather than two-dimensional models. MBD has been rooted in the 2003 ASME Standard Y14.41-2003 Digital Product Definition Data Practices, which sets requirements for CAD software developers to follow for tolerances, dimensional data, and other digital design annotations on 3-D solid models.Tolerancing is showing dimensions and tolerances on a model. Prior to this standard, nothing in the industry dealt with displaying tolerancing on 3-D models, mentions Alex Krulikowski, chairman of th e Committee on Solid Model Tolerancing that helped spearhead the standard.The standard addresses the depiction of tolerances in model-viewing mode rotating the model rotates the tolerances with it. It also ensures that engineers and manufacturers are communicating tolerancing in an accepted way, so a user knows how to find them on a drawing, how to interpret them and read them, Krulikowski explained.Unique ImplementationWith the tolerancing standard in effect, the researchers interviewed 34 representatives from two major Canadian aerospace manufacturing companies and found that the move away from 2-D drawings is feasible for most industries, though it faces some barriers that could be addressed through simple technology changes.How actual engineering, manufacturing, and inspection processes would need to be redesigned if MBD, rather than 2-D drawings, were to be used depends on the adopting industry. Releasing the engineering drawing is a process each company has thousands of proces ses defined. We couldnt address them all. We concentrated on what would need to be done to make the best use of MBD data and get rid of engineering drawings. Rivest said.Digital Product Definition Data Practices specifies the form for entering queries ... as in these examples, for a question of size tolerance (above) and geometric tolerance (below).Ensuring long-term storage and appropriate archiving of 3-D models that include dimensioning and tolerancing information, given the speed at which CAD systems change and the consistent incompatibility among systems, is being investigated separately.Simplified ViewingIndustry-wide, when 3-D models replace engineering drawings, downstream users who currently rely on these drawings would need another method for communicating product dimensioning and tolerancing data. Many non-engineer users have no access to or familiarity with CAD a lightweight format is needed to communicate this information, said researcher Virgilio Quintana.Viewer progra ms convert MBD data from different CAD applications to lightweight format files, containing the model along with dimensions, tolerances, annotations, management information, and revision history. These files could be readily opened, read, and understood by users without CAD experience, he explained.Inspection AidAccording to Rivest, inspection processes would be quicker and potentially even more accurate by adopting the MBD format. Time savings would occur by minimizing operator inputs required during programming and running coordinate measurement machine inspections since model-based software would compare parts against tolerances contained within the CAD model itself rather than from engineering drawings whose tolerances traditionally had to be derived from 3-D data.The accuracy and integrity of the inspection process would be improved by the softwares ability to check contour and hold positions as well as constraints, such as flatness, concentricity, and angularity. Model-based s oftware also enables automated inspection routines, which ensures parts are inspected in the saatkorn way, in the same places, and with the correct tolerances every time, wrote Rivest, Quintana, and others in Computers in Industry (March 2010).A Matter of TrustOverall, the Canadian researchers found evidence that moving away from 2-D drawings is now feasible for most industries, and does offer real benefits. Some barriers could be addressed with simple technology, but some are cultural and difficult to change.People still arent fully convinced about MBD, Quintana said. Its hard for them to trust an electronic file versus a printed 2-D drawing kept in a safe place. Still, they may have to justify making the changes sooner rather than later to supply or compete with bigger companies who are early adopters.Adaptedfrom Digital Tolerance, by Jean Thilmany, Associate Editor, Mechanical Engineering, July 2010.Releasing the engineering drawing is a process each company has thousands of proc esses defined.Louis Rivest, research leader.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Literary Agents Advice to Childrens and YA Authors

A Literary werbers Advice to Childrens and YA AuthorsA Literary Agents Advice to Childrens and YA AuthorsFor many aspiring authors, publishing a childrens book is the dream. One of the first cautions most publishing professionals give, though, is that the childrens book market is quite different than the adult book market. A vice president at Curtis Brown Ltd. literary agency, Elizabeth Harding represents authors and illustrators of juvenile, middle grade, and young adult fiction. Her list includes New York Times bestsellers, Newbery, National Book Award, Printz, and Coretta Scott King honor and award winners. With decades of literary agent experience, she is well-qualified to understand the marketplace. To Write Childrens Books, Read Childrens Books Valerie Peterson When someone says to you, I want to write a kids book, what do you say? Elizabeth Harding Id ask Have you read any recently? I think people feel so connected to kids books- especially with picture books- because if you read Goodnight Moon or Madeleine or one of many other picture books when you were young, I think that you feel like you just read them yesterday. Theres a whole association with the books that you read as a child. But I think its very important for aspiring authors to take a look at and really familiarize themselves with whats being published today. Your Friendly Neighborhood Childrens Librarian VP So, go do your book market research in a bookstore EH Im in publishing, so I bring books home all the time, and being in New York City, my kids are more attuned to the bookstore than the library. Social media has helped spread the word about books. There are so many advocates of childrens books in the publishing community, and theyre really active on social media. But for someone who is new and starting out writing a childrens book, its worth it to befriend your local librarian because she or he is probably the most knowledgeable person about kids books. Not only will the libraria n know whats selling- which is notlage always whats the best- theyll know what is the best. That goes especially for picture books and middle-grade books. Teachers and librarians are a fierce group of advocates and gatekeepers for childrens books. VP Are teachers and librarians gatekeepers for Young Adult books and authors, as well? EH Yes, but in the case of YA and teen books, the kids are finding and/or buying the books themselves, whereas a picture book and a middle-grade book are often recommended by a teacher or librarian. The Childrens Book Market VP Youve been agenting kids books for nearly 20 percent of Curtis Browns 100 years. Can you comment on the state of the kids book market today? EHThechildrens book markethas always been totally distinct from the adult market. The difference today from when I started in the business is that childrens books were a little more below the radar they are now- now, its a big business. I mean, its always been a business, but now its reco gnized as such.Childrens book publishing is estimated to be a $3 billion business. VP Could you elaborate on that? EHBasically, after successful books and series like Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket,Twilight, andThe Hunger Games, the industry now recognizes that childrens books andYoung Adult booksmake money. In that respect, the publishing perspective on it is similar now to its perspective on the adult market- the realization that theres money to be made focused industry attention on the market and its potential. School and Library Sales VP So, aside from the age ranges of the intended readers,what factors distinguish the childrens market from the adult? EHWhere the retail booksellers have been the primary market for adult books, for childrens books, the school and library markets have always been really important to sales- and theres been a recent resurgence there. To give some historical perspective- 20 years ago, the school and library market welches very robust and, at the ti me, it was great if your childrens book sold in bookstores, obviously, but it wasnt the focus. ThenBarnes Nobleandother superstoresandAmazoncame into the picture, and it became really important to be able to sell your books through those venues a lot of weight was put on those sales. The focus shifted from schools and libraries to getting books onto the picture book wall at BN. The childrens market began to rely heavily on those retail sales, which hadnt traditionally been the case, and which was more in tune with how adult books were sold. There still is a lot of weight put on those sales, but were back to having the school library market being really critical. VP So that would support your suggestion to aspiring authors that they engage their local librarians for advice and input. EHYes. The picture book market is starting to tick back up, and its coinciding with all the buzz about standards and Common Core, and so now the teachers and the librarians and the school market are onc e again really important to the success of a book. Schools and libraries never reallylosttheir importance, but I think theyre back in the spotlight. Independent Booksellers VP How have shifts in retail bookselling affected the childrens book market? EHOne interesting thing is that independent booksellers have been compelled to be so much more nimble and creative to stay competitive and so many of them have gotten really good at selling picture books and middle-grade books. There would sometimes be a situation when Id hear that Barnes Noble passed on an authors book and it used to be devastating- devastating. I would have an inconsolable author and have nothing to really to be able to tell him or her. Thats become less and less the case. Of course, its great if the book is at Barnes Noble, but it doesntneedto be there. If they pass - while its not ideal- between school, library, and the indies, now were able to say, Thats OK. There are other ways to sell the book. The Young Adult (YA) Market VPYoung Adult has become so popularin recent years. Any words of wisdom for aspiring YA writers? EHFirst, Id caution anyone writing for that audience that I think YA readers can sniff out things that are not authentic faster than anyone else. Again, thats why I think its important to read- because its important to understand that your readers are complex, emotional, smart, interesting kids and your characters better be the same. You cant get anything by a YA reader. VP Any personal recommendations for YA research reading? EHI think three of the cornerstones of YA areThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton,The Pigmanby Paul Zindel, andThe Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. Those happen to all have been represented by my Curtis Brown predecessor Marilyn Marlow, and they are absolutely great examples of excellence in the genre. VP No dystopian battles or vampires among those. Can you speak to Young Adult trends? EHThe YA market is cyclical, like many. Right now theres a trend tow ard contemporary- eventually, well get back to dystopian, vampires, and werewolves. Then fantasy,romance, and back to contemporary. Mermaids even had their moment for a bit. The readers dont disappear just because the trend changes- the readers are there Getting a Literary Agent VP The conventional wisdom used to be that childrens authors dont need an agent, but that seems to have changed pretty dramatically. Can you speak to todays necessity of having an agent? EHIts interesting but when I started almost 20 years ago, there werent so many agentshandling childrens books, and the YA/teen market was much smaller than it is now, so there were fewer kids book agents and the author-editor relationship was forged directly, and there was a lot of intimacy in that. I think the author-editor intimacy is still there, but making that initial connection is harder than it was when I started because the business is so much bigger now- there are so many more authors and editors. Thats where an agent comes in. VP You also represent illustrators. How does that differ from representing writers? EHIts a little bit harder to represent an illustrator, only because youre selling style, rather than a concrete manuscript. As an illustrators agent my getting them a book deal is a lot of making sure that people have eyes on their portfolios. Its also an outgrowth of my constantly talking to editors. Sometimes it will come up as I have a great manuscript about such-and-such topic- do you know anyone who has that kind of look or feel? Its a lot about staying in front of people, keeping the illustrators work under their noses. Agent Advice VP What advice would you have for someonelooking for a literary agent? EHBe professional. The level of querying since I started has gotten much more elevated. I think its because people are doing much more research, and there are many more opportunities to come to a site like yours and learn more about the process before taking a step out into t he world But its surprising how many interactions I have with someone who doesnt act professionally. Even if its someone who sends me an email query. Email queries all start to look alike, but if I email back and say Id be interested in reading 50 pages,dontsend back a response in all caps OMG You have to continue that professionalism, carry it through. Its important again going back to the fact that childrens book publishing is a business, its important. VP How do you find the authors you want to represent? EHI get a lot of manuscripts over the transom- I have a pretty big list at the moment so generally if I ask for material its either that I find the subject matter interesting or it fills a hole in my list- its something that I dont have on my list. I get a lot of referrals from other authors I represent, which is always very flattering. I have four kids, so I dont do a lot of conferences at the moment- but I used to do a ton, and I find them very energizing. I like meeting someo ne in person and putting a face to aname. Whether the material is right for me or not, I like to meet people. I do thinkits important for aspiring authors to attend conferences. I do think they are worth it. As someone who has presented, I also feel they are worth it. At conferences, youre among a group of people who are all there for the same reason- there is always an interesting dialogue. VP Say you have an offer from an agent. How can you tell if he or she is the one? EHHaving an agent is a personal decision- and there are so many out there that I think its important to find someone who is similar to you in philosophy. Whether your and your agent have similar personalities, I think its important that you agree on how things should be handled. Some people may prefer someone who is really aggressive in the way they handle things some people are more laid back and would prefer to have someone with a similar temperament. Its exciting for an agent to be interested in your work, but i f its not the right agent for you, its not going to be a great experience. VP Thanks so much for your time and thoughts, Elizabeth.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Public Relations Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone

Public Relations Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone A number of the questions which you should expect to get asked are given below. Obviously, this list isnt exhaustive, these are simply a few examples of the most well-known reasons students turn to writing tafelgeschirrs. Lots of people dont highlight their skills at the very top of their resume, or they might not include them whatsoever. Should you need help to make this happen, TopResume writers are prepared to give guidance. After the calendar year, employees can choose if an agency is best for them, or if they want to move on to another communications position with their enhanced skill collection. Employers want employees who can manage their brands across a range of various outlets. No possible employer would like to feel as if youve sent out 50 of these (even in the event that you have). PR Industry is constructed on numbers. Networking is really important because your job for a PR pro is to have the perfect messages hea rd. Read more about the way to turn into a Public Relations Specialist. The info which you put in your resume is crucial, and ought to reflect the job which you desire. Click the Create Contact Request button to produce the contact request you prefer to send to the candidates. Its vital that the service you select knows for sure theyre only selecting the very best essay writers. The Historian should maintain an image collection with carefully annotated pictures connected to the above info. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. If this Public Relations Specialist resume example was not sufficient for you, youre totally free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to pick the best writing businesses. As soon as you locate a service you prefer, dont neglect to look at my review of it. In summary, th e service exists, so should you want to use it in order to find a top essay, thats reason enough. Employing a writing service is the perfect approach to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting all the critical points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. You should use individuals websites to down load the essential templates to have an increased function. To begin with, templates have to be comprehensive. When you format a resume, its important to keep in mind your headings will need to stick out in some way to easily differentiate sections from one another and to separate them from the remainder of your text. The most typical format is a run of short and precise phrases which do not have to be complete sentences. The Start of Public Relations Resume The business receives the benefit of doubt in tricky and messy circumstances and survives to live another day due to its impeccable public conduc t previously. Next, you must also find out everything you can lay your hands on about the business. If youre making a career change or you assumed multiple roles in prior companies, it is possible to fully make the most of kreuzung layout. Businessmen and business directors Bring evidence of your position in the organization and remuneration. If youre asking for a public relations role, its important to make an appealing resume objective. TopResume can aid with every one of these factors to generate your resume the best it can be. The objective should also contain the name of the organization you wish to work with. Your objective should clearly contribute why youre a great fit for the role and the way your experience and background will improve the organization. So if you prefer to work within this area, you want to get a skill set and background that showcases ways to handle all these responsibilities. Soft skills arent simple to present on paper. Utilize your network, Br own stated. As you should add variety to the means by which you start looking for jobs, an overall routine can assist in preventing stagnation and discouragement. Lets examine this in practice. Physical organization is crucial as well.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Make a New Employee Job Ready - Spark Hire

How to Make a New Employee Job Ready - Spark HireYou finally hired the best candidate for the job opening that you have been trying so hard to fill. PhewNowadays, its difficult to get the right skill and experience match. Even then, to attract the right talent and get them to accept a job offer requires more than just a salary match.So great job, you But hey, dont rest on your laurels yet because if you do, you are sowing the first seeds of trouble.Why, what is the problem?Well, there is always a time gap between the acceptance of a job offer and the new employees first day at the office.More often than not, this is due to the necessity of a notice period the employee must serve in their current organization.The big risk during this gap is that the candidate may consider other job offers that come their way. Surely, you are not the only person they are talking toSo, what can I do?Fret not you can use this time gap in your favour.If planned and executed well, you will be able to not o nly dissipate the big risk of the candidate taking another lucrative offer but also smooth the onboarding process for the future employee.Nice, but how exactly?Before we hand over the secret sauce recipe, put your brilliant thinking cap on and ask yourself what makes someone apprehensive before starting a new job.This thought exercise is quite easy because we all have gone through such moments of doubts ourselves in our professional careers.I understand the job description on the job ad but day to day what will I be doing?Who will I be working with and what are their personalities?Am I taking the right career decision?Will I be better off than where I am now?With these questions, many doubts get sewn, and more doubts flower to cloud the new hires mind.Can you allow such doubts to appear and prosper in this candidate after all the hard work you have done to recruit them?Surely notOK, what can be done?Employee engagement is not just a fad. It is the most important ingredient to keep a n employee motivated to perform and be happy.Its quite human really.Make a person feel comfortable You belong here.,Assign clear responsibilities This is how important you are to us.Clarify the expectations This is how you will make a difference.Communicate sincerely to ensure its NOT all talk and no walk Yes, you matter to us, a lot.This is equally true in the pre-joining l that will make the employee onboarding so much easier and eliminate the risk of the new hire considering other offersThe secret sauce recipe includesOrganize a call with a business leader on the future business plans for the unit they is joiningFix an after hours in-person meet up with the future reporting manager to build a personal rapport before a new employees start dateAsk some of your company super-performers call and talk about how they are so excited to work in your company and how it can be so for the new hire as wellShare an introductory primer on the work goals, competencies, behavioural attribute s, and values with priorities that will help set expectations and importance of the job early onAs things get ready, start sharing Hey, this is where you will be sitting, Nice view isnt it?, Or, Have a look at this brand new MacBook yeah , its eagerly waiting for youThe Times They Are a-ChanginIn a super connected world, finding quality candidates is like finding a pot of gold.Just like any human relationship, the more you nurture and invest early on, the better your chances are of getting the employee engaged and job ready by making them feel included, empowered to own their responsibilities, and understand the impact of their job has on the success of the company.So, get going then ??About The AuthorSouvik Majumdar is Chief Customer Success of GroSum, a cloud-based wertzuwachs management software that helps build a goal-oriented and continuous feedback-based work culture. He is passionate about employee engagement and has spent the last decade working with organisations to impro ve their performance management processes and implement online systems.LinkedIn Twitter Facebook

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

News Packages for TV Newscasts

News Packages for TV NewscastsNews Packages for TV NewscastsA nachrichten package is a creative, visual, and long form of storytelling found on television nachrichtencasts. The news is conveyed to an audience by packaging together a story that includes characters, facts, plot twists, and a climax to provide entertainment value at the same time. News Package A news package is a self-contained taped news report.Many networks use news packages to provide innovative newscasts to broad audiences. Alternate ways of referring to these newscasts include package, taped package, news pkg, or simply as a pack.Examples of a news package are CBSs 60 MinutesDateline on NBC These types of newscasts deliver in-depth coverage of news events by investigating subjects of all kinds. News correspondents probe trends, crimes, conflicts, and issues of interest to present long segments, and sometimes full one- or two-hour broadcasts, as news packages usually run for 115 to 200 in length. This type of ne ws presentation is best for complicated stories or ones that have multiple interviews. In the case of magazine-style news programming, packages can be 20 minutes or longer. Structure and Script Reporters will often spend large amounts of their time researching stories and interviewing characters to eventually write the scripts for these packages. A common part of a news package is the appearance of a reporter talking into the camera. This is called a standup because the reporter is often seen standing in front of the camera on the scene of the story. Usually, the news anchor will read an introduction live, then the pre-recorded story will be shown. Most viewers have never seen a script for a news package, as what the audience sees is the video form of the script. When a script is created, it often involves many different elements in addition to the exact wording of the story that the reporter is going to present, such as StorylineVisualsAudioTiming and cuesToneVoiceovers The wri ter has to consider both what the viewer sees (visuals) and also what they are going to hear (audio). There is the visual aspect of video production, where images and videos of the subject matter are presented, while the audio specifies sound bytes, voiceovers, and music that may accompany the visuals to help the story along. Timing and specific cues for the editor and post-production team are also important aspects of script creation for news packages. Indicating the zeiteinteilung and length of a particular visual on the script can help with weaving sound bytes and voiceovers together with images and storylines. By also indicating the tone and feelings that are to be conveyed, the emotional component of a newscast can start to take shape. Once the full package script is complete, the reporter is ready to go into a sound booth and record voice-overs. The post-production team will then use the script to bring together the whole news package, to create a newscast that is entertaining , compelling, and informative, while keeping in line with the reporters overall vision and storyline.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Personal Technology A Lesson in Office Etiquette

Personal Technology A Lesson in Office EtiquettePersonal Technology A Lesson in Office EtiquetteWith new technology comes a new set of workplace etiquette rules. Learn how to maximize your productivity and keep the peace with your office mates.Technology can be a great time-saver or a time-sink, depending on the platforms youre using and how you use them. Additionally, the use of electronic devices requires its own set of etiquette rules for the workplace. Ignore them, and youll end up disrupting meetings and annoying your colleagues. To keep yourself in check, follow ansicht five tips.Choose your apps wisely.Theres an app for practically everything these days, from functional apps that let you deposit checks on the go to addictive games that keep you entertained for hours. Diminish the digital distraction by only downloading apps to your work devices that will improve productivity. These include Remember the Milk, Evernote and Mojonote to keep you organized and productive wherever y our work takes you and 1Password to remember all your passwords and keep them secure. Save the fun apps for your personal devices.Set rules for social.If you catch yourself checking Facebook for the fifth time today, its safe to assume its affecting your productivity. To combat this, establish guidelines that dictate when you can play on your personal social media accounts, such as during your commute or lunch break. Turn off reminders on your phone and close the websites on your work computer until its time to take a break. Youll be amazed at how much time youll gain back when youre not refreshing your Twitter page every 10 minutes.Silence your device.Its perfectly acceptable to bring a smartphone or tablet into a work meeting these days, especially if you plan to use it to take notes during the meeting. To avoid disrupting the meeting, make koranvers you silence your devices before entering the room. If youre not using your phone during the meeting, keep it stowed away in your po cket or put it face-down on the table to avoid getting distracted by inbound emails and other updates. If you must take a call during a meeting, excuse yourself from the room as quietly as possible. When youre on your phone, be cognizant of your volume the entire floor doesnt need to hear your conversation.Track your time online.Does time seem to fly by, but your to-do list doesnt get any shorter? As much as wed like to think of ourselves as efficient multi-taskers, research has shown that multi-tasking typically reduces your productivity by 40%. Take advantage of free apps such as Izepto and Toggl you can download to your smart device or PC to track your activities and identify where youre losing focus. Track your activities for at least one week before you decide how to alter your workflow.Clean out your inbox before work.Use your smartphone to eliminate spam and organize your inbox of work emails before you get to the office. Whether you do this while waiting in line for your mo rning coffee or sitting on the train during your commute, you can clear out a lot of unnecessary emails and start setting your game plan for the day before you enter the office.Electronic devices can be a powerful tool in the workplace, when used appropriately. Use the tips above to ensure technology is working for you, instead of against you at the office.Looking for a new job or know someone that is? Download Ladders free iPhone app, Job Search by Ladders, and click on the following link to learn how technology can make your job search easier.EDITORS NOTEThis article originally appeared on CommPRO.biz Tech Gadgets Contributing to Decline in Workplace Etiquette.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Congratulations! Youve Gotten Your Degree Have You Considered A Federal Job

Congratulations Youve Gotten Your Degree Have You Considered A Federal JobCongratulations Youve Gotten Your Degree Have You Considered A Federal JobCongratulations Youve Gotten Your Degree Have You Considered A Federal Job?The government is hiring New Grads and Interns Many college students list the US government as one of their top targeted employers. Read about the Best Places to Work in Government. The New Graduate Federal Resume is much different than the typical two-page private sector resume. Recent graduates need to learn about how to expand the resume to give more details about your education courses, papers, projects, technology, teamwork, presentations, writing, and MOREA GREAT GRADUATION GIFT GET THE BOOK See 7 samples to help you get Best Qualified for a Pathways Internship or Recent Grad position. Kathryn Troutman teaches classes at government agencies to current Pathways interns who are in the government and want to move UP.Here are a few tips that youll need to know for your Federal job search and information that can be found in the Students Federal Career Guide, 3rd EditionTip 1 Learn how to search for PATHWAYS internships on www.usajobs.govTip 2 Learn how to find the KEYWORDS for your federal resume.Tip 3 Federal resumes must be longer (3 to 4 pages) and more detailed.Tip 4 Draw on your student experience as well as academic activities and community service for your first resume.Tip 5 Be sure you use your veterans preference if you have it.Tip 6 Dont wait to create a resume until you landsee an announcement. HELP YOUR NEW GRADUATE BEGIN A FEDERAL CAREER The best graduation gift is the only book available on writing a competitive Internship and Recent Grad Federal Resume for US Government JobsStudents Federal Career Guide, 3rd Ed., Paul Binkley, Ph.D. and Kathryn TroutmanSeven samples of correct student federal resumes with emphasis on Education Available as print book, PDF, Kindle.